Thursday, March 11, 2004

Not much to write about. I've been off the radar with work so not much to say in general. It is intersting to see how the mediascape has gotten its panties in such a twist over the Jayson Blair book. The new new thing is all about basketball and the upcoming tournament. I'm excited about it, but wish my beloved Terps would have a better chance.

One thing to say about the Kerry "Lying" thing, if he really feels that way, he should take responsibilty for it and go after Bush. Lying may be to harsh, but he has got to go for the jugular. I don't understand why he is keeping his powder dry, when Bush has alread begun to attack his "Indecisiveness." He should be saying at every event, every opportunity, that he was in combat and that he's never lied to the public. That would keep the reasons why people are suspicious of Bush on the front burner.


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