Thursday, May 13, 2004 Media Notes Extra

Another doosy for the day. I don't know if anyone has any idea what to do about this Iraq thing. Do we stay or go? If we go do we lose prestige and stir a pot of future terrorists? If we stay can we continue to take the constant pounding of scandals (fiduciary, torture and otherwise)? What about all those dead? No easy answers . . .

About George "I'm a WAR president" Bush . . . JFK needs to take this one head on and beat him with it. A frontal assault by a surrogate on the this issue would be brutal (send Gore). "Today I want to talk about being a "War president." Lincoln, FDR, Wilson, etc. were "war presidents" that had qualities that we admire as Americans. Fortitude, Stregnth to see it thru. They also had qualities of honesty and faith about their goals for the country. Defeating Totalitarianism, Keeping the Union whole, Setting goals for a better world. These are what "war presidents" do, they give us that "vision thing."

Most importantly, while some may have failed in their goals, they also used good judgement. Something that Americans need in their president. Even Bush the elder had the good judgement not to take Hussein down in the first desert war. Iraq is not a sign of good judgement. Iraq stinks of failure: Afghanistan for the Soviet Union, Vietnam for the US. We do not have the captain that America deserves. yadd, yadda, yadda.

I understand that the "haters" will never win a campaign, but taking him head on in this issue makes the party tougher. It brings up doubts about Bush's leadership (doubts can be powerful, ask Gore).


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