Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The Senate's Real Leader

I don't believe that McCain had an eye toward the Presidency, but leaned more toward doing what was right for the Senate. This principle makes him a dangerous opponent in the future for the Dems. The question is is anyone else in the GOP is willing to be as ruthless and evil as the Bush/Rove axis. Possibly the Jeb/Rove axis? But somehow I don't think the Bushies are ready for another run yet and their is a lot of time yet.

This does push the Frist/Santorum/Allen etc. out though. These Senators don't have a compelling reason to be President. They are first and foremost Senators and therefore weak. As Kerry showed again (Dole, Mondale, etc) Senators make terrible Presidential candidates. McCain's position might be able to overcome this handicap, but he is the only one.


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