Media Notes Extra
London ... Very sad and upsetting. I couldn't believe that Kudlow in CNBC was claiming that this makes the terrorists look weak. If you looked at those faces on TV, they sure looked terrorized. Strategically, I'm not sure that it makes them look that weak. During the G8 summit in the same nation, it does seem like a strong move.
TV News ... The morning of the attacks here were difficult to watch. It seemed to me that they kept asking the experts to speculate on who had done what. No coverage of where the facts; no info on where, when, etc. I got better coverage from the Web.
Novak/Miller ... Novak must have spoke to the Prosecutor in order to stay free. He's totally slimy and has no ethics other than making himself more powerful and wealthy. Read the Washington Monthly profile on his "ethics free zone." Miller needs to smarten up and live by the code that if the sources lie, they don't deserve to be protected. Who lied to her about WMD? Why are they still anonomous?
London ... Very sad and upsetting. I couldn't believe that Kudlow in CNBC was claiming that this makes the terrorists look weak. If you looked at those faces on TV, they sure looked terrorized. Strategically, I'm not sure that it makes them look that weak. During the G8 summit in the same nation, it does seem like a strong move.
TV News ... The morning of the attacks here were difficult to watch. It seemed to me that they kept asking the experts to speculate on who had done what. No coverage of where the facts; no info on where, when, etc. I got better coverage from the Web.
Novak/Miller ... Novak must have spoke to the Prosecutor in order to stay free. He's totally slimy and has no ethics other than making himself more powerful and wealthy. Read the Washington Monthly profile on his "ethics free zone." Miller needs to smarten up and live by the code that if the sources lie, they don't deserve to be protected. Who lied to her about WMD? Why are they still anonomous?
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