Tuesday, September 13, 2005

End of the Bush Era

The legacy of the Bush Administration ending so ignominiously has been a sad day for the country. Since we are an optimistic place, we want our presidents to do well because that means the country is doing well. Too bad that this President has put cronies in front of citizens and take the country down a notch.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blah blah blah. Same old left wing hate speech.

13 September, 2005 13:52  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More than the end of Bush2, we may be seeing the end of GOP94.

The Republican Revolution put forth by Newt et al. is ending. We are now in a period of transition.

Katrina has accelerated this process. It did not cause it. It only brought one part of it forward more quickly -- the fall of this President.

Next comes a politic based upon religous values favoring a literal interpretation of the Bible.

This movement, while more than nascent, is not fully formed and is not within pubic view. However, at this time, it is as powerful, disciplined and organized as the Republican Revolution (GOP94) was in 1990.5-1992. It is as equally below the radar.

With Katrina's forceful pushing of Bush2 out the door, there will be a brief period of chaos. This may be noticed in public by either a mixture of messages or, strangely, silence.

Much will be made of the 2005 electrions, but they will show little of what is to come.

As the 2006 elections gear up, the new force will show noticable traction. Then, as more time passes, the force will become unescapable.

In the meantime, we may watch Bush2, the man, disolve as "his" people jump ship to the new power base. He really did/does believe they were loyal to him.

Maybe he will write a bitter, bitter book.

Or, maybe he will just retreat further inside his padded ball.


13 September, 2005 16:38  

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