Tuesday, October 11, 2005

At Newspapers, Some Clipping - New York Times:

"revenue growth as paltry as it is"

What are the margins on media companies? 20%? These guys are crying wolf. Newspapers make tons of money, they just don't make enough. The family owned concerns with a feeling of obligation to their readers put out a great product and they live high on the hog. As the papers get crappier and crappier, why would you subscribe?

If McDonald's took away a hamburger pattie in the their Big Mac and said it was a cost cutting measure, would you buy a Big Mac?

As a mature market, newspapers and media in general should be giving more for the same price. Bigger pictures, better writing and more features would be a good selling point. Why go smaller and crappier? You're eating your young.

Those that say newspapers are dying because of focus groups ... Morons! Why don't you ever hear about focus groups of readers? The opinions I want to know are those that actually PAY to get the paper and read it. These opinions should be a thousand times more important that any crap that some illiterate ignoramous spews out in a poll. More is better, it's the American way ....


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