Wednesday, November 02, 2005

MSN Money - This just in: Value investors value newspapers

Newspapers, if run right, should generate a lot of $$$. Growth is not where it's at for media companies. They are definately mature industries and can't have that type of rapid growth that everyone chases.

I'm still a big believer in quality and giving value to the reader. What those cost-cutting monkeys at the Trib don't get is that when they cut all the good bonuses and extras, I might as well then go to the Web. Their latest ploy of giving away hockey tickets is terrible. Associate yourself with one of the worst run businesses and brands in the City for marketing data? Idiots. They should spend all that money they are wasting on Subscriber advantage stuff on improving their Web site. They should lead Midwest newspapers in design and content. What do we get, see for yourself ....

It's boring and it doesn't add anything that yahoo or google has

If you want to be in the arena, be the best with what you got.

On the content end, they get constantly beat by the sun-times for local news. The Trib is huge, they have the resources of a national TV network, local TV station, and get beat at City Hall by one reporter? Doesn't make sense to me.


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