Thursday, August 03, 2006

G.M. Hopes a Line of Pickups Will Lead Back to Prosperity - New York Times

Not the best timing. Then again this is what's in the pipeline and that's what they have to sell. It looks like GM is going to end up consuming Ford (at least its market share). All the while. the Japanese, especially Toyota, are eating US car makers lunch. The heavy trucks are under seige now with the rise of Ridgeline, Tacoma, etc. The US car makers have got to start selling cars again. These are the last time margins are going to be so high on trucks. With the new competition margins are about to shrink a ton.

One thing though is the recent stats. On the Today show this morning they mentioned how far US car maker sales had dropped off from a year ago, from about 60 percent to under 50 percent this year. That's a bad statistics becasue last year GM, Ford and Chrysler were all offering "employee pricing" and the Japanese were a little reticent to pile on the US car makers. If you look at last years stats, the story is that last summers US sales were a blip. The overall trend is a continuing shrinking of US automakers in the US market.


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