Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Storm brews over Palin :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Lynn Sweet

In my little world, things are at a turning point here. One the one hand the pregnancy and firing of her brother-in-law could fade into the background and pass with barely a whimper. On the other hand, things could crystallize against her and McCain. The Dems have not put out a compelling narrative or catchphrase, but they should hurry. In 2004, Rove announced that John Kerry was a flip-flopper and everything was written with that lens around it driving public opinion. The Obamabots need to get to it and hone a message that hurts McCain in the same way. The 4 more years of Bush thing was working, but now the scent has been thrown off by Palin. Maybe something like 4 more years of Bush the elder (que Palin the Quayle role?) Maybe too subtle, but a narrative needs to develop ASAP.


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