Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Michael Wilbon - Zorn, Redskins Shouldn't Panic Over a False Start - washingtonpost.com:

"'I just feel like the worst coach in America. . . ."

That's because he is the worst coach in America. He's totally outclassed and out coached every week. He has not made the necessary adaptations that every team has done in the last six weeks. That being said, he shouldn't be fired.

While he should have been evaluating his coaches earlier (about week one would have been smart), he's doing that now. It's these last two games that we will see if Zorn's ego and reality match up. He needs to adapt his offense again and every week to the next team. He needs to get the special teams and the lines to play mistake free football. He can't do anything about the talent, but he can drill into them no penalties. He can't do anything about the injuries, but he can drill into then no mental mistakes.

Washington is stuck with Zorn. If he can learn enough in the last two weeks he might worth keeping around.


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