Monday, May 11, 2009

Health Secretary Cordova Praised for Flu Response in Mexico -

Health Secretary Cordova Praised for Flu Response in Mexico -

"'Now you hear some people saying that it was an excessive response. But what people seem to forget is that the reason why this crisis is now coming down was because the initial response was so vigorous,' said Julio Frenk, dean of the Harvard School of Public Health and Mexico's health secretary from 2000 to 2006."

everyone is talking about the media hype about the possibility of a pandemic, but the consequences are very high. It's not that some people will be out an election, but there is the very real possibility that millions could die. We are lucky that this virus is not as lethal as it could be, but we are lucky. If we were unlucky and it has been similar to any of the true pandemics of the past, many more people would have suffered and died. Bravo Mexico!


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