Thursday, August 03, 2006

Doubling Two Bad Bets?

I know that Bush is a huge fan of teaching evolution both ways (the theory of evolution and the myth of intelligent design), but he's got realize the importance of change in the world. The gift of our large brains is that we are able to adapt quickly to an ever changing landscape. Politically in the US, his aides are very astute at that. They have revolutionized GOP politics and gone against decade old trends.

Unfortunately, they have not been able to convert this to foreign policy. They seem in a death lock/spiral of policy. Once they make a decision, they feel they're done. Kind of a fire and forget foreign policy. Iraq, we're there and we're going to make it a democracy (Oh yeah, and the same goes for Afghanistan too!). North Korea is bad and we don't deal with them (Or Syria, Iran or any one else we don't like). While this has not been working out too well, Bush and his cronies keep a steady hand in all this. There's no sense that any adaptation is needed. If things are going bad, we just need to do things harder. To use another appalling football analogy, he's not making any halftime adjustments.

So what do we as patriotic Americans do about that? I'm not too sure there's much we can do other than write letters and call your representatives in the House and Senate. The President needs to hear from you too. Maybe the evolving nature of US foreign policy needs some intelligent design :)


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