Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Dana Milbank - A Few Conservative Voices Still Speak for the Speaker -

The front page of the Trib also has questions about the Speaker's ability to keep his job. The big thing is that the rest of the leadership are blaming coach. I'm not sure what he needs, maybe a vacation or a "Hammer" to keep things airtight. Right now no one is missing DeLay more than his protege. He has been the longest serving Speaker and a key member of the Republican Revolution. Politically for the GOP, there are no good options. If Hastert resigns then what? More questions about who assumes the Speakership and media montages about Denny's career (although I'm sure they'll skip the personal corruption stories about his massive profits in real estate and highways). That's not good.

Hastert's best bet is to go on Today show and apologize for screwing up and trying to protect his friend in need. Return the pederast's money and pray. He might still have to resign, but at least he can ginve the American people a choice. Otherwise he's done. This is going to be a bleeding wound till election day. For the Dems, they should keep at it. The money angle is especially good since it has a legs, traceable, and nothing better than calling your opponent a friend of child molesters.


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