Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Obama On The Losing End of Personality Contest - The Fix:

"McCain's resume -- from a personal and a political perspective -- is as deep and emotionally resonant as any in American politics. The more this race becomes about that resume, the better Republicans have to feel about their chances."

It would be a mistake to not take head-on. Take a page from the Rove playbook and attack the opponents greatest strength. For McCain and Palin it is their biography. If you want to be ruthless, let's talk about his skirt chasing. Have you heard of the Tailhook sex scandals? That is the Naval Aviator culture that he comes from. Let's talk about how he chose to "serve" the state of Arizona. Where is his independence when voting for tax cuts, military boondogles, and Indian Casinos? The answer is that he's a craven, ambitious, jerk. Let's start the conversation there.

There also needs to be some sort of verbal judo when talking about the celebrity thing. Why not turn it around and make the issue that McCain is old and uncharismatic? How can you be a celebrity when you're ugly? Not very nuanced, but someone can come up withsomething better. The lack of apparant action is very damaging. Next thing you know, we'll see Obama windsurfing.


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