Japan’s Governing Party Is Plunging in Polls - NYTimes.com
Japan’s Governing Party Is Plunging in Polls - NYTimes.com
The death notices of the LDP have been coming for years. Still they hang around and take control. They have the support of the bureaucracy. The voters can't seem to find someone with a consistent message. The LDP becomes the default again. They remind me a lot of the PRI in Mexico. You can beat them here and there, but they are like zombies and keep coming.
The death notices of the LDP have been coming for years. Still they hang around and take control. They have the support of the bureaucracy. The voters can't seem to find someone with a consistent message. The LDP becomes the default again. They remind me a lot of the PRI in Mexico. You can beat them here and there, but they are like zombies and keep coming.
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