Thursday, June 30, 2005

Bush Words Reflect Public Opinion Strategy

Where's Osama? Why doesn't anyone talk about that? Where are the "ruthless killers" we were suppossed to catch after 9/11? Where's Osama? Why are the Taliban still shooting down choppers in Afghanistan?

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

WASHINGTONIAN: See Howie Kurtz Run

Profile of Kurtz. I'm not sure I love it, but it does show how hard he works. Original concept? Sorry, we'll pass:

"Civilization has miraculously survived into the 21st century only to expend most of its creative energy reliving the past. Hollywood is hardly the only corner of our culture infected with the remake virus. "

A valid point, but then again is this just a cyclical thing? Since the movies are so expensive to make, investors want to make sure they get some sort of return. The problem is the studio system is dead, the director is king died, the age of the star is dying. The next big thing is what? CGI? Wall Street?

No bankable stars if you want o be short sighted. The implosion of Tom Cruise in the last few weeks is killing the last of the super stars. Hanks, Schwarzenegger, Ford have all put out duds recently. If anything it's the age of Kevin Bacon. He's a good actor and smart as a whip. He's in all the big movies now, but is he bankable?
The New McCarthyism

One of the better looks at the Rove smear. The key is the plausible denial and the hope that this gets buried. If it dies, Rove will have won. If this sticks, it could end his genius. The best part about this is the hubris it shows. More that he could feel that he could say it and not have any accountability (like Rummy, Bush, etc.) is probably the worst part about this. Why does Durbin face a firing squad/accountability? What about Dean? Why do they face the music? Where is the courage on the GOP side?

Monday, June 27, 2005

Next Wave From China: Exporting Cars to the West - New York Times:

"China still imposes a tariff of close to 30 percent on imported family vehicles, compared with American tariffs of 2.5 percent on imported cars, minivans and sport utility vehicles and 25 percent on pickup trucks."

Tariffs need to be attacked, including our own on trucks and SUVs.
Maybe Saving Money Is Just for Chumps - New York Times

The big issue is what levers and buttons can we push in the economy. For Greenspan, its controlling inflation through interst rates and monetary policy. For the Prez, its Fiscal policy and controlling the National Debt and taxes. The idea to try would be a wealth tax. This would incentivize work making earned income tax free, while punishing/taxing anyone with savings over $1 Million (including asset wealth). This would have people living more reasonably. Crazy idea.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Hustling on K Street

True, the lack of any sort of counterweight to biz interests in the GOP makes them more vulnerable to the charms of K street. It's sad to see so many special interests aligned and hurting the rest of the country.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

PREVIEW: A Decade of Reed

More dirt on Ralph Reed from the Weekly Standard no less! He's cashed out, but the better question to ask is whether or not he's actually ever been genuine in his beliefs or was a means to an end?

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - Once Seen as Risky, One Group Of Doctors Changes Its Ways

A Third Way on the medical malpractice questions. This is the intended goal of the lawsuits, but rarely works out.
How Cheney Fooled Himself

This is obvious and true to the folks that don't like the Administration. However, what to do about the folks that do like the Administration? Where do they hold the accountability? I believe that folks don't want to know about the quagmire that is Iraq. It's too complicated (Sunni, Shia, Kurd ... a bunch of French cheesmakers!) and messy. The fact that the Administration tied Iraq and 9/11 together was genius politically (although the thousands of dead in Iraq disagree). This Presidency is turning into a disaster day by day and we are again in a guns or butter debate. Does the White House know this? I think yes, but at the same time have no choice to keep going and grinding up our poor youth.

Friday, June 17, 2005

"Crude Awakening " by Kevin Drum:

"Any serious policy solution has to be based on four fundamental pillars: increased production, development of alternative fuels, conservation, and increased efficiency. And because these are all very long lead items, the time to start is now. After all, if the peak oil theorists are right, we have only a few years left until oil production peaks and then starts to decline. But even if they're wrong, the peak is still only 10 or 20 years down the road—and instability induced by spare capacity is a looming problem regardless."

Scary stuff. Long-term looks at the oil crisis are hampered by the lack of leadership/fear. The other long-term problem, climate change, is another issue that needs a thorough look.
Globalization: It's Not Just Wages - New York Times

Good article about the other side of globalization. It's not just French farmers and African oil and Chinese hoards. It's about quality and competition.
Where's The Apology?

When someone is blowing themselves up, stay out of the way ... Frist's laughable presidential ambitions have taken yet another turn South. He's the biggest joke in the Senate. If he played himself like an independent doctor he might have had a chance. But reconcilling any sort of independent scientific inquiry (like Dr. Frist) and conservative religious belief (parishioner Frist) seems silly to attempt. All he'll do is make no one happy and give himself plenty of time on the golf course.
U.S. Pressure Weakens G-8 Climate Plan

Does Bush care about his Children? Doesn't Cheney want his grandchildren to have a dry place to sleep? The assault on pure science is beyond political (which in my book is ok) and dangerous to our future.
The Onion | Infograph

It could be worse ... I'm not sure how, but it could be.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Homegrown Fuel Supply Helps Brazil Breathe Easy

This is a great idea, although I want to know more about emissions and other pollution problems. You can't get something for nothing.
Ex-Bush Aide Who Edited Climate Reports to Join ExxonMobil - New York Times

This is worse than that Boeing tanker scandal. Not only is this a total payoff of the nth degree, but also made climate change worse. How would you like that on your tombstone?

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Next Generation of Conservatives (By the Dormful) - New York Times

Interesting look at young white Republicans. Dean should use the pictures from this like a bloody shirt.

""Being raised a Christian, with family values, I want to make sure I have a solid philosophical footing," said Mr. Hurff, 21, the Wake Forest senior."

Is he implying other people don't have "family values?" Does that mean not checking out girls? (Covet thy neighbor's wife)

Friday, June 10, 2005

The Munitz Collection

People wonder why foundations are in trouble .... this guy needs to be fired. More importantly, any foundation head that receives compensation above a certain level must have a term limit. Too many opportunities for corruption and little oversight.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

It's Insurance a la Cart: Costco Stores to Market Health Plans

First pensions ... Medical care is next? The question is whether the rich will be able to opt out of the system everyone else uses. - In Treating U.S. After Bubble, Fed Helped Create New Threats: "Praising both the Fed's rate cuts and Mr. Bush's tax cuts, he said, 'This is the first time in history the textbook economic policy... was used, and worked. The problem is, once you finish that chapter of the economic texts, you turn the page and the page is blank -- because no one has gone through the process before.'"

Lindsey is crazy. Which textbook is he talking about? The one with the author smoking crak or the other one with the author injecting himself with dope. Even the most ardent Keyensist would be crazy enough to drive the debt this high without a major crisis (I'd say Iraq is a crisis, but then again the President has not asked anyone to sacrifice anything). Must be great to ignore all that doesn't fit with your view and declare victory.
Despite G.M.'s Talk of Bold Plans, Analysts Ask if More Needs to Be Done - New York Times

What about nationalizing health care? Why dony they support it even more? I don't hear John Dingell talking about it on the floor of Congress.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Arms Fiascoes Lead to Alarm Inside Pentagon - New York Times

Why don't they make it a part of the evaluation/promotion process to see how much money the Generals can save. We need to motivate people to do the right thing sometimes. Saving the tax payer money is usually the last thing on the list.
Bush Aide Softened Greenhouse Gas Links to Global Warming - New York Times

I thought that the New Yorker reported this already (May 9, 2005 issue, page 60). It's good that its getting another round of play though. It's important to realize that the "uncertainty" that the Bushies talk about does not exist. Bushies and their cronies are certain that Global Climate Change won't happen, while the rest of the world is sure. There is clear evidence linking greenhouse gases and climate change. It is probably already too late, but we should try. I highly recommend the series of articles in the New Yorker. I came to the climate change issue as a complete skeptic, but was convinced that the World is changing. Not just antecdotally, but scientifically.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Monday, June 06, 2005 Control switch: On

Interesting look at the Scientologists and its biggest "star." I love the comment about how low entertainment journalists are on the totem pole. The only ones lower might be auto "reviewers" and video game suys. Even then, the whole Hollywood thing is probably the worst, with those famous junkets. Good job by the LA Times to do this story. - Eyes on the Road

The thing that GM needs to do is put out better products. Even then it might not be enought to overcome its union contract and obligations.
What eBay Could Learn From Craigslist - New York Times

This will be the economic model of competition in the future. Think about the ramifications of this competition. Low cost to entry, profitable markets, this should be good.
You've Seen the Network. Now Buy the Television. - New York Times

Just curious ... Is ESPN a news organization or an outlet of sports/promotion? Soon it'll have more in common with Vince McMahon than Edward Murrow.
Ready or Not, G.M.'s Chief Is About to Face Some Questions - New York Times

The four goals of the GM seem a little out of date. What about getting ahead of the curve for once? If hydrogen cars are really what GM sees in our future, then make is so. GM's lack of foresight is a serious problem that will only get worse. Where are the new ideas coming from? How long have cars been on the road? Where is change coming from?
Sprint Prepares to Cut the Cord

A glimpse into the future? I hope so, those Baby Bells are built for the last century. Like the Big Three in autos, Verizon and SBC need to get off their butts and see what's next. The days of the telephone oligopoly are coming to an end. Other than maybe Blockbuster, the Baby Bells have the worst service and nickel and dime you to death.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Detroit Mayor and TV Reporter Are Locked in Video War - New York Times

It's finally real news since it made the Times !!!
Fewer Friends in High Places for This Lobby - New York Times

The end of Ag subsidies? Probably not for awhile, but when is the political leadership in the Midwest going to fight the Sugar subsides? Japan's rice subsidies may be reduced soon too .... We'll see what really happens.