Friday, March 31, 2006

No News Is Woods's News - New York Times

I wonder why .... Maybe the Masters are going to be on CBS this weekend? Do you think that would increase veiwership? Good article, but missed the 800 pound gorilla in the middle of the room.

Thursday, March 30, 2006 - Heard on the Street

This is fascinating how these "old-media" stocks are getting hammered on the market. They are making a ton of cash (profit percentages exceed those of ExxonMobil) and have dominant positions. If they didn't get beat by motion pictures, radio, tv, etc, the INternet isn't going to beat them either. I'm not saying that they will be as prosperous, but still 20 percent plus profits is tough to beat.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Andrew Card Resigns as White House Chief of Staff

Not sure replacing Card with Bolten will work out well for the country. It seems that the entire West Wing suffers from fatigue. The stability there has been second to none, but at the same time, the day in day out work there must be driving people to early deaths. I'm curious to see if Bolten puts in "his guys" and allows some change or movement in the White House. The thing that Bush wanted was another traffic cop and that's what he got. I'm not sure that it's best for America.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Microsoft to Delay Next Version of Windows - New York Times

Shocked! Interesting thing is that Apple is becoming a better software company and Microsoft is becoming a hardware company.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Swing Is Still King At the Polls: "It is a sign of a thinking electorate"

I agree that swing voters are still the ones that matter, but the line about the thinking electorate is fantasy. If anything, voter apathy is at an all time high (see voter turnout trends over the last 50 years). They don't think about elections or care about how government is running. They do care about their kids and house, but are having trouble connecting the two. That's why folks vote against their economic interests. They're so rich (relatively) that they don't care anymore.

If they thought about elections, they'd care who was running their city governments and worry about why their congressman has only worked 100 days in the last year. They only care about images and bombardment from adverts and media. I would love Mr. Penn to do a poll on who the thinking voters are, even self-identified. Politicians would learn a lot.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Death by Script

Looks like a familiar article. What do you think? Different shows, tied in with the Sopranos. I wonder if the New Yorker did an article about this a month ago :)

Monday, March 13, 2006

WaMu kicks off a free-for-all

There seem to be a ton of positive stories on Washington Mutual and some changes to its free checking accounts. The weird part is that this morning when I got on the train, someone was haning out Sun-Times for free with this story inside of it. I wonder if anyone else got other free papers in other markets.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Baseball Swung for the Fences, Then Got Caught on Them

He should be permantently banned from baseball. This was bad, and now it's a disaster. Unbelieveble that Selig is more worried about hurting Bonds than the fans again. Idiot.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

For Trader Joe's, a New York Taste Test - New York Times

Not sure the New York angle should have even been played. Good behind the scenes look at Trader Joe's. Not too many articles about these guys. I think they have 100 percent seperated and washed lettuce (and packaged produce in general) because they don't have scales at the cash registers. No scales means you can't buy bananas by the pound, but you can buy them by the piece. The whole thing with the inability to comparison shop is irksome. I'm not usre that in the end they are that much cheaper. Just different and maybe better (depending if you like wild blueberry juice) for the same price.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Cheney Exit Strategy?

The second part about Bush's pending impeachment is the reason why Sheney will still be around in 2009. As Mark Shields said on Newshour, there's no reason to take the punching bag out of the gym. As long as Cheney is a magnet for all the bad press, bile, etc, he's keeping the President that much cleaner. Can you imagine what the press and public opinion would be like if Cheney wasn't around? All the attention and hatred focused on the little guy? Bush could probably stand, but his numbers would sink into the 20 percent approvals.