Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Huckabee Gaining Ground in Iowa -

Huckabee represents the greatest threat to the Dems in the 2008 elections. Plain and simple he neutralizes many of the strengths by being plain speaking, charismatic, and an outsider. He plays well to conservative Christians, Reagan Democrats, and those looking for an alternative to the pointy headed Northerners. He's a good retail guy and I think the Iraq policy stuff is doing him well. His weakness maybe his name recognition and money. I wonder if the rich trust his populist take. He is especially effective against Hillary since he would be Mr. Outside. She would find it difficult to attack his job in Arkansas. He also has a way of connecting that is more like Bill than Hillary. If I were her, I'd be helping Fred Thompson out.

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Daily Southtown :: Kristen McQueary

Column about the Lipinski's and their fishy dealings. You think that they'd try to hide this a little better. All you really need is one IRS agent and a couple of hours to get this House seat warm.
E. J. Dionne Jr. - Billions for Guns, Vetoes for Butter -

Always insightful, this is a thoughtful op-ed. I was watching Kudlow on CNBC this morning and he was hectoring one of Paulson's boys about the weak dollar. He made the point that the the US had comparable rates of growth with EU. He kept saying the underlying fundamentals should keep buoying the US Dollar. I would like to know the cost of the Iraq War on the US Dollar. Isn't the sheer number of dollars being blown in Iraq not good for the US balance sheet? If a currency trader knows that the US government is hemorrhaging cash on a wasteful war (versus more roads, health care or R&D) wouldn't that alone lower the value of the dollar. Simple supply and demand right? Sure that US economy is huge, but the uncertainty of how much we're wasting in Iraq should be hurting the dollar.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Michael Gerson - The GOP's Pocketbook Issue -

I agree with Gerson on his point. The next question is what does he want to do about it? Is he trying to crack one of the pillars of his old bosses tax cuts? If you talk about social mobility you have got to talk about education as the carrot and inheritance/estate taxes as the stick. This column has more to do with Buffet on the hill than coming out against Bush.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Wall St. Journal to End Fee for Web - New York Times

This will be good for the WSJ. The ad model is looking better and better as more people get online and used to the Web. Murdoch is doing well with this step. We'll see if he has time to screw up the content side.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Mike Wise - Little Reason for Big-Time Angst -

I don't think Washington should be worried. The schedule get kinder with New England in the rear view mirror. They are really banged up and still have a winning record. That says something.

The Bears are in a totally different boat. They are relatively healthy and are terrible. I'm not sure its the coordinators, Super Bowl contentment, or age, but the Bears play like crap. Washington at least has the excuse of injuries and are playing to best of their ability. Chicago isn't even close.