Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Chicago Business News, Analysis & Articles | Hinz: Trek to the future — Amtrak's time has come | Crain's

Only the orneriest of highway builders would be against better train service. Chicago is such a logical place for this. If the infrastructure around the City could be improved it would help freight and Amtrak. There's nothing more frustrating than sitting on a train for a hour waiting to get your signal when you're trying to get someplace. Not sure that there is the political will in these economic times, but it would be as beneficial as some new highway or interchange.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Columnist Robert Novak Diagnosed With Brain Tumor -

I'm not sure what to do with this news. I'm not a fan of his and don't like his traitorous exposure of Plame. H0wever this is not a happy time for him or his family. Get well?
McCain Says Obama Plays Politics on Iraq -

Wow, I think this make John McCain look dumb. Senator McCain, you are a politician and you play politics all the time, how did you choose to run in Arizona in that first election? Is he saying he's not a politician? Is he better than a politician? If Obama is ONLY a politician, than I'll take that over greedy, craven, skirt chasing, "heroes."

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Ford to Make Broader Bet on Small Cars -

I know it's hard to make changes when steering these gigantic companies, but shouldn't they have done a "me too" statement when Toyota, Honda, and Nissan all said they were going smaller and hybrid? It's several months later. If Bill Ford had been able to get his way, the environmental stuff would have put Ford in position to be a leader instead of a laggard. The hybrid Escape is probably the best selling US hybrid right now.

The big thing is that Ford or GM needs to come up with a class leader. Have as a goal, the most fuel efficient car in North America. At least the most fuel efficient SUV (all-classes) and Minivan. Then move down the chain. By then, oil prices will probably be under control, but they need to establish some goals.

The other problem is trying to get rid of brands. It seems that they are doing everything to shrink their dealer base, but it seems too little too late. The contracts and laws are not very favorable to GM or Ford, but they need to get the full court press and start with a state by state strategy and get those state laws changed. It's been almost a decade since they knew that they had too many dealers. Getting rid of a brand is fine, but very expensive. However the way things are going now, they are going to be bankrupt before they have another chance.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Given a Shovel, Americans Dig Deeper Into Debt -

Not sure what Wall Street gets out of this in the long run. Sure you get quick profits off the working class, but the money has got to be paid back someday. Or do you write it off as an expense and take the fees and interest as profit. Either it's reckless at best and disturbingly amoral at worst. This is the point of government; to protect its citizens. Even if it is from themselves.

Thursday, July 03, 2008