Friday, March 27, 2009

Companies Adjust Stock Options After Shares Fall -

Companies Adjust Stock Options After Shares Fall -

"The moves are usually described as important for retaining employees, especially as stock options that vest over several years look utterly worthless in the current market."

Can anyone explain to me how this is not just plain theft? Regular paychecks and your reputation should be your motivators right now. I'm sure that any of these companies can find qualified people that will work for far less. I guarantee if you can't find a CEO at Kellogg or Wharton class of 2009 you're not looking hard enough.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Advertising - A Network Takes Us Out to a Ballgame -

Advertising - A Network Takes Us Out to a Ballgame -

"Mr. Kanefsky of MPG said that there were so many avid fans around the country that “you can’t have too much baseball.”

What planet do these people live on? The ratings for this stuff is not going up. Only old white guys like this crap/sport. Anything id good if its cheap enough.

On the other hand, it does finally offer some competition to ESPN (at least in one sport) and their ham handed monopoly.

Now if the NFL Network were smart enough to split some of the ownership with the Cable Operators they would really have a threat. Better yet if they could combine NFL with MLB they'd be able to really go after ESPN. Pure fantasy.

Good news, the NFL with finally have Sunday Ticket games over the Internet. bad news, it won't be till 2012.

Friday, March 20, 2009

In New Dilemma, Banks Cite Two Paths to Disaster -

In New Dilemma, Banks Cite Two Paths to Disaster -

Bullshit! This is the biggest plate of crap that the U.S. Taxpayer is expected to eat in a long time. Fire them all. You can get outsource their jobs to younger, smarter people. Sure there will be some problems, but it's not like we are jumping to pile of crap already (see Slumdog!). If they don't want the jobs then tough, find another six figure gig using all those brain muscles.

Wolverine as Masterpiece -

Wolverine as Masterpiece -

Kinda dumb, but for an X-Men nerd liek myself, very funny.

Monday, March 16, 2009

2016 Olympics transportation: Metra looks to beef up system by borrowing locomotives, cars --

2016 Olympics transportation: Metra looks to beef up system by borrowing locomotives, cars --

"Chicago has the best public transit system of the competing cities, but service enhancements are needed, Arnot said."

Is Arnot being dense or is he lying. Madrid? Tokyo? Those places have much more extensive, cleaner public transit. Another reason to be against the Olympics.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Case Against Breast-Feeding - The Atlantic (April 2009)

The Case Against Breast-Feeding - The Atlantic (April 2009)

The one thing the writer does not mention is that the wealth that allows women not to work and breast feed is a huge factor. Gotta love rich people that don't think they are rich!

Chicago Reader | What's Black and White and Dead All Over?: Notes on journalism’s past, present, and future prompted by the Chicago Journalism Town Hall | By Whet Moser

Chicago Reader | What's Black and White and Dead All Over?: Notes on journalism’s past, present, and future prompted by the Chicago Journalism Town Hall | By Whet Moser

Fascinating look at the problem with newspapers and the Web. He does do some heavy lifting (and a lot of name dropping) explaining what the Web is doing to the old newspaper institutions. He doesn't mention TV or radio too much, but they don't do too much original journalism either.

The business case for journalism is how do you get paid? It used to be ads. What's the new model? If "journalism" dies, then what? What does the market want? Will we end up with websites hiring freelancers to report the news? What about editorial standards? It'll be interesting to see what shakes out. Although I have a feeling that newspapers will be around in one form or another for a long time.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

US Supreme Court holds to narrow interpretation of the Voting Rights Act |

US Supreme Court holds to narrow interpretation of the Voting Rights Act |

I'm not sure what the implications of this ruling will be in the upcoming census and redistricting fight. It does sound like the conservatives will be packing more minorities into fewer districts. While this will elect more minorities to Congress (and other legislative bodies), the overall number of minority interests will probably be diluted. This is just more of the status quo I guess. This will probably have some long term consequences when talking about immigration. George HW Bush rides again!

Monday, March 09, 2009

Funny, but touching that people actually care about the man that much.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Magazine Preview - All Boarded Up - How Cleveland is Dealing With Mass Foreclosure -

Magazine Preview - All Boarded Up - How Cleveland is Dealing With Mass Foreclosure -

Wow! This is a great article illustrating the rusty point of the foreclosure spear. It doesn't look like Cleveland is dealing with mass foreclosure at all.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Chicago Business News, Analysis & Articles | Olympic list: clout city | Crain's

Chicago Business News, Analysis & Articles | Olympic list: clout city | Crain's

Surprise, surprise, surprise! This is where the Re-election folks went.