Interesting tha he seems to reflect what Gore did earlier this week. I think Kerry needs to shut up about specifics and hatch a "secret plan" that he can't reveal till he's president. It worked for that drunk Nixon and it'll work again here. If only there were a figure like Kissinger behind him . . .
Thursday, May 27, 2004
The New York Times > Washington > Campaign 2004 > Kerry Outlines Plan for Foreign Policy Based on Cooperation
Interesting tha he seems to reflect what Gore did earlier this week. I think Kerry needs to shut up about specifics and hatch a "secret plan" that he can't reveal till he's president. It worked for that drunk Nixon and it'll work again here. If only there were a figure like Kissinger behind him . . .
Interesting tha he seems to reflect what Gore did earlier this week. I think Kerry needs to shut up about specifics and hatch a "secret plan" that he can't reveal till he's president. It worked for that drunk Nixon and it'll work again here. If only there were a figure like Kissinger behind him . . .
MTV Won't Show Ads For 'Super Size Me' (
In the "say wha" category of the day, this is very odd.
In the "say wha" category of the day, this is very odd.
Monday, May 24, 2004 Media Notes Extra
Are the media better than the average american? I'd say yes. They have been to college and many have advanced degrees. They earn more money and should be more inquisitive than average. It seems like they are a pretty self selecting group doesn't it? On the other hand, journalists have chosen their career and shouldn't complain about having to travel and report on major events. It's not a bad life.
Are the media better than the average american? I'd say yes. They have been to college and many have advanced degrees. They earn more money and should be more inquisitive than average. It seems like they are a pretty self selecting group doesn't it? On the other hand, journalists have chosen their career and shouldn't complain about having to travel and report on major events. It's not a bad life.
Sunday, May 23, 2004
Reliable Source
Weird blog that apparantly as DC's panties in a knot. Is it the sex or something else? I say sex always is the best, especially when it involves more "exotic" stuff. Although it is inthesting to note her unhealthy obsession with a show that features Tyra Banks.
Reliable Source
Weird blog that apparantly as DC's panties in a knot. Is it the sex or something else? I say sex always is the best, especially when it involves more "exotic" stuff. Although it is inthesting to note her unhealthy obsession with a show that features Tyra Banks.
Friday, May 21, 2004 Media Notes Extra
This Chalabi thing . . . Doesn't this give him some legitimate anti-US chops? "I fought the American imperialists . . . ." Look for yet another action paced act from Chalabi in a the next decade. Great pick by the Bush administration, they found a real survivor who knows how to play the game. Too bad that they didn't work for the Bush administration (or even the Iraqi people) and only for themselves
This Chalabi thing . . . Doesn't this give him some legitimate anti-US chops? "I fought the American imperialists . . . ." Look for yet another action paced act from Chalabi in a the next decade. Great pick by the Bush administration, they found a real survivor who knows how to play the game. Too bad that they didn't work for the Bush administration (or even the Iraqi people) and only for themselves
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
The New York Times > Dining & Wine > Wine Talk: Raising a Glass to Affordability
Both ideas are good. Why can't you buy a decent botle of wine at a neighborhood restaurant for the price of two beers? Seems logical to me.
Both ideas are good. Why can't you buy a decent botle of wine at a neighborhood restaurant for the price of two beers? Seems logical to me.
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
The New York Times > Opinion > Op-Ed Columnist: In Iraq, America's Shakeout Moment
Is he being too optimistic? Is he comparing the American West to Iraq? I respect Brooks, but this causes me some doubt.
Is he being too optimistic? Is he comparing the American West to Iraq? I respect Brooks, but this causes me some doubt.
Needed: One-Horse Power (
Got to love his rankings of the sports. I gotta agree with MLB falling below the NBA. Baseball is terrible unless you live in a few places and even then it's not all that. Not that the teams have to win (see Addison and Clark in Chicago for an example), but they have to have a following too (not seen in Tampa Bay or Montreal). Most teams fall in between these two extremes, but I'd bet more fall on the bottom half than the top.
Got to love his rankings of the sports. I gotta agree with MLB falling below the NBA. Baseball is terrible unless you live in a few places and even then it's not all that. Not that the teams have to win (see Addison and Clark in Chicago for an example), but they have to have a following too (not seen in Tampa Bay or Montreal). Most teams fall in between these two extremes, but I'd bet more fall on the bottom half than the top.
Not sure what we should do in the Iraq thing. It seems that the US is trapped. If we take our medicine and leave, will that bring out more terrorists? There is way too much pinned on this handover next month. I don't think it will change anything (other than provide even more targets for the terrorists).
The most important thing that history has taught us about nation-building (both colonialism and the rise of nation-states, is that public safety is most critical thing that people want (you can do business with out fear of getting robbed, you can take roads without fear of dying, etc.) Look at China and the commies (or Russia), it was based on control of the people thru a police state. Before there was no control and the people looked for strong leadership.
There is no control in Iraq, nothing tying anyone to being an Iraqi (I'm a Kurd, Sunni, or Shia). Break the country up into three parts and let things fall where they may. Don't let imperialistic designs from the defunct British and French "Empires" outline what is going to be a long-term problem.
The most important thing that history has taught us about nation-building (both colonialism and the rise of nation-states, is that public safety is most critical thing that people want (you can do business with out fear of getting robbed, you can take roads without fear of dying, etc.) Look at China and the commies (or Russia), it was based on control of the people thru a police state. Before there was no control and the people looked for strong leadership.
There is no control in Iraq, nothing tying anyone to being an Iraqi (I'm a Kurd, Sunni, or Shia). Break the country up into three parts and let things fall where they may. Don't let imperialistic designs from the defunct British and French "Empires" outline what is going to be a long-term problem.
Monday, May 17, 2004
Getting Out of a Quagmire (
I'm sorry I missed this when it first came out. Dionne is right on about this. What do we do next mr. "war" Prez?
I'm sorry I missed this when it first came out. Dionne is right on about this. What do we do next mr. "war" Prez?
Fundraiser Denies Link Between Money, Access (
I wonder if this will get the paper towel industry to have their own Bush Ranger?
I wonder if this will get the paper towel industry to have their own Bush Ranger?
Friday, May 14, 2004
The New York Times > Washington > Campaign 2004 > Bush Continues to Push His Credentials for War on Terror
The first lines of Bush's quoted comments bear out the misconception of what the "war" on terror means. Can it be won? I don't think that it will ever be won. It's better thought of as requiring everlasting vigilance. Look at the War on Drugs or the War on Poverty, they all require a ton of resources and even more work. The problem with "winning" is that there is no prize to be won, only silence
The first lines of Bush's quoted comments bear out the misconception of what the "war" on terror means. Can it be won? I don't think that it will ever be won. It's better thought of as requiring everlasting vigilance. Look at the War on Drugs or the War on Poverty, they all require a ton of resources and even more work. The problem with "winning" is that there is no prize to be won, only silence
Record gas prices give drivers pause
Is this as important as the wars? Probably not, but this should be discussed somewhere shouldn't it?
Is this as important as the wars? Probably not, but this should be discussed somewhere shouldn't it?
The New Republic Online: Gut Check
Makes a lot of sense. Kerry needs to start chipping away at Bush's "war president" theme.
Makes a lot of sense. Kerry needs to start chipping away at Bush's "war president" theme.
Thursday, May 13, 2004 Media Notes Extra
Another doosy for the day. I don't know if anyone has any idea what to do about this Iraq thing. Do we stay or go? If we go do we lose prestige and stir a pot of future terrorists? If we stay can we continue to take the constant pounding of scandals (fiduciary, torture and otherwise)? What about all those dead? No easy answers . . .
About George "I'm a WAR president" Bush . . . JFK needs to take this one head on and beat him with it. A frontal assault by a surrogate on the this issue would be brutal (send Gore). "Today I want to talk about being a "War president." Lincoln, FDR, Wilson, etc. were "war presidents" that had qualities that we admire as Americans. Fortitude, Stregnth to see it thru. They also had qualities of honesty and faith about their goals for the country. Defeating Totalitarianism, Keeping the Union whole, Setting goals for a better world. These are what "war presidents" do, they give us that "vision thing."
Most importantly, while some may have failed in their goals, they also used good judgement. Something that Americans need in their president. Even Bush the elder had the good judgement not to take Hussein down in the first desert war. Iraq is not a sign of good judgement. Iraq stinks of failure: Afghanistan for the Soviet Union, Vietnam for the US. We do not have the captain that America deserves. yadd, yadda, yadda.
I understand that the "haters" will never win a campaign, but taking him head on in this issue makes the party tougher. It brings up doubts about Bush's leadership (doubts can be powerful, ask Gore).
Another doosy for the day. I don't know if anyone has any idea what to do about this Iraq thing. Do we stay or go? If we go do we lose prestige and stir a pot of future terrorists? If we stay can we continue to take the constant pounding of scandals (fiduciary, torture and otherwise)? What about all those dead? No easy answers . . .
About George "I'm a WAR president" Bush . . . JFK needs to take this one head on and beat him with it. A frontal assault by a surrogate on the this issue would be brutal (send Gore). "Today I want to talk about being a "War president." Lincoln, FDR, Wilson, etc. were "war presidents" that had qualities that we admire as Americans. Fortitude, Stregnth to see it thru. They also had qualities of honesty and faith about their goals for the country. Defeating Totalitarianism, Keeping the Union whole, Setting goals for a better world. These are what "war presidents" do, they give us that "vision thing."
Most importantly, while some may have failed in their goals, they also used good judgement. Something that Americans need in their president. Even Bush the elder had the good judgement not to take Hussein down in the first desert war. Iraq is not a sign of good judgement. Iraq stinks of failure: Afghanistan for the Soviet Union, Vietnam for the US. We do not have the captain that America deserves. yadd, yadda, yadda.
I understand that the "haters" will never win a campaign, but taking him head on in this issue makes the party tougher. It brings up doubts about Bush's leadership (doubts can be powerful, ask Gore).
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Time for Bush to See The Realities of Iraq (
Good point. Has any country had a truly successful democracy imposed on it? A place with no "founding fathers," but benevolent invaders?
"Us" means white america in the Bush's world. Perhaps if conservatives saw the world as it is, that they should be encouraging more white babies?
Good point. Has any country had a truly successful democracy imposed on it? A place with no "founding fathers," but benevolent invaders?
"Us" means white america in the Bush's world. Perhaps if conservatives saw the world as it is, that they should be encouraging more white babies?
Group Says Kerry Released Edited Version of Military Records (
Wow! Bush is up to his dirty tricks again. It's amazing that no press are looking at the connections between this "independent"/puppet group and the BC04.
Let us start the National Guard unit revisionist history society too. "When Mississippi attacked Alabama, I was there flying with George Bush as my wingman."
Democrats are letting them get away with the framing of the total message. By attempting to bring doubts about Kerry's war record, they win before anything gets started. If wealthy democrats were serious about fighting BC04, they need to get ahead of the curve and find some National Guardsmen to start remind American's what a COWARD that Bush and Cheney were when their country needed them.
Wow! Bush is up to his dirty tricks again. It's amazing that no press are looking at the connections between this "independent"/puppet group and the BC04.
Let us start the National Guard unit revisionist history society too. "When Mississippi attacked Alabama, I was there flying with George Bush as my wingman."
Democrats are letting them get away with the framing of the total message. By attempting to bring doubts about Kerry's war record, they win before anything gets started. If wealthy democrats were serious about fighting BC04, they need to get ahead of the curve and find some National Guardsmen to start remind American's what a COWARD that Bush and Cheney were when their country needed them.
Monday, May 03, 2004 Media Notes Extra
Kerry needs to pull a Nixon and say he's got a "secret" plan to Iraqitize the conflict, declare victory, and leave. I know he's got the "best in the Business" when it comes to the media, but Shrum cannot overlook the simplicity of an oft repeated "secret plan."
Kerry needs to pull a Nixon and say he's got a "secret" plan to Iraqitize the conflict, declare victory, and leave. I know he's got the "best in the Business" when it comes to the media, but Shrum cannot overlook the simplicity of an oft repeated "secret plan."