Friday, October 29, 2004

Justice Department Triples Election Monitors; More Than 1,000 Head to Polls (

Does anyone think that Ashcroft's cronies are not the best election monitors?

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

BBC NEWS | Programmes | Newsnight | New Florida vote scandal feared

Typical of those rats. I can't beleive they didn't even deny that they were going to try and intimidate voters. They are breaking the law. Where the hell is the Justice Department and the FBI?

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

'Sunny Guy' vs. Grim Realities (

It looks like the GOP couple are together. Two interviews on two networks with the Georges and the Dicks, its amazing that no one has mentioned that this. It's terrible the two guys and their lucky wives are both on TV at practically the same time. I am wondering what Dick is going to do when he loses. Is he going to hollywood to portray that guy from Halloween?

Monday, October 25, 2004 The Long and Blinding Show

Again another reason why baseball sucks. . . . McCarver is terrible and unwatchable. Even when I get an inkling to watch the World Series, I hear his voice and need to turn it off. That being said, Desperate Hopuswives was pretty good last night :)

Friday, October 22, 2004

The New Yorker

The best paragraph about the President and Iraq I have read.
"In the current Presidential campaign, Bush has expertly drawn attention away from how high a price the United States has paid for the war in Iraq. It is difficult to find anybody in Washington, in either party, who will seriously defend Bush’s management of Iraq. Most of the available armed forces of the United States are pinned down in a place that represents a threat chiefly because American troops are there. That limits American options in places that pose much more genuine threats. The reputation of American intelligence agencies has been badly damaged—would anyone now heed warnings from them? It is increasingly difficult to imagine other major powers joining the United States in an international endeavor, even one that isn’t a war. The government’s financial resources are depleted. The U.S. military in Iraq has started trying to take back areas of the country now controlled by insurgents, and it may not be safe enough there for the scheduled elections to be held in January. The country still has no meaningful army or police force. It doesn’t seem that there will be, any time soon, a way to extract the American forces without risking Iraq’s descent into chaos, of a kind that would be both dangerous and humiliating to the United States and would betray Bush’s repeated promises to bring the Iraqis a better life."

Might be the most depressing look at America in the last 4 years. The fact that the Prez is simply a bully and nothing more is an awful picture to paint. Lemann's attempt to frame his actions as a fundamental shift in politics is a stretch. Wouldn't a simpler solution for the Iraq war fit? Something along the lines of what he's saying about the insularity of the Bush White House.

Imagine a discussion of the benefits and costs of a war in Iraq in early 2001. In a discussion where the upside of a "war president" would be huge [motivate the base, vets, and get people to feel good toward government (the part they like anyways)]. No downside, the war will be over in a week with minimal casualties, and we'll have all the oil we need. Rumsfeld and Cheney are for it also because it will help transform the military and show off some cool toys. Sounds great, lets do it.

Too bad that no one thought it through. The fact that Brent Scowcroft has to write an op-ed in the WSJ to get heard is incredible. He was there less than a decade ago and he's being ignored. No true voices of dissent. Powell looks the fool. Totally coopted by the cabal around the Prez and seemingly powerless. This President has led us into a disaster. The best part about this is that there is no way to get out. We cannot allow Iraq to fail, but at the same time we also have to figure out Iran, NK, and Pakistan. I don't think I want this guy making any of those decisions.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

An Election Process Deflated by Airheads (

A little rambling, but a good point. Basically if you haven't made up your mind, you're too dumb to vote . . . .

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

The New York Times > Dining & Wine > Critic's Notebook: Looks Like Diversity, but It Tastes Like Tuna

Makes a good point that the market for rare goods, in this case fresh "quality" food can be boring too. Maybe this is a sign of the wealth in the country (or city of NY, in this case) is increasing and we keep trying to figure out better ways to spend our money? Maybe instead of trying to spend our way out of problems, we should save our way out of problems?

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Monday, October 18, 2004

Rove Trims Sails but Steers for Victory (

Bush's brain on the loose again . . . This notes that BC04 on the Defensive and has been for sometime. I'm not sure why the media hasn't been reporting this though. They are on D and actually think they will lose.

Sunday, October 17, 2004 - Transcripts

Jon Stewart's interview on Crossfire. It's a little old . . . .

More importantly it's very honest and interesting critique of the media and how it is a cog in the political system and not really acting as a watchdog. I imagine that Stewart probably ingests more news than most people (he ad his staff are paid to do it) so his look at Crossfire may be more nuanced than most folks. Then again it is hard to listen to a messenger that reduces his own credibility in an interview.

Thursday, October 14, 2004 Media Notes Extra

I wonder when the undecided break stories start hitting the media. I heard a mention on MSNBC last night on Mathews, but this will be the final theme for the election.

The question is why are you still undecided?

The answer is undecided about what President Kerry means. This means that that they have decided on the President, and wonder if Kerry can be someone they can stare at for the next 4 years. BC04 is no longer looking at the middle/undecideds, but now into motivating the base. Bush/Cheney has used a lot of code (Dred Scott comes to mind) in getting the homers fired up.

This strategy stinks of a loser though. How many evangelicals can this motivate in swing states? How many liberals does this motivate in swing states? How many swing voters does this swing for Kerry? Things are moving the wrong way for the Prez and he's going down.
Round 3: Bush Grins, Spins but Doesn't Win (

Probably the best look at the debate in the Media. I didn't understand a lot of the jokes that Bush was telling himself, but I guess I'm not with him either.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

The Village Voice: Nation: Press Clips: Moderate Rock by Ta-Nehisi Coates

I love the idea of Oprah moderating a Presidential Debate. It would bring a certain amount of real life to the conversation. What would be wrong with this format?
The New York Times > Business > Media & Advertising > Questions on the $3.8 Billion Drug Ad Business

This is terrible waste of $$. These Drug companies have totally shafted the American people witht these Ads. If they say they do so much R&D, where do they get $$ for the ads? The reality is that R&D iis almost all sponsored by NIH. The drug companies should get a clue and realize that all the lies and deceptions will cost them.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

My notes to a buddy up North. . . .

I thought the debate went well. Cheney got off easy looking so mean. Sure he's comfortable in his own skin, but then again he's ok being a mean little man (so short).

Edwards best point was the thing about them and us. The quote was too long to get on TV, but the lines about Kerry and Edwards standing with the people versus the drug/insurance/big business were the best lines and drove a distinction between the two parties. It was also weird how the media kept saying it was a tie, but . . . .

What did you think? This Friday debate is really cramping my style. I don't hink I've watched so much Hardball ever. I dig Mathews sometimes (I really watch for Russert and Brokaw), but his gang sucks. Ron Reagan is the best guy on his panel . . . RON REAGAN OF ANIMAL PLANET!!!!

Honestly I like Matthews, but the rest are terrible. I know Andrea Mitchell is married to Greenspan and the they have to promote Scarborough (God knows how bad his show is when its only him?) Ron Reagan made some good points and the fourth guy was useless. Maybe not useless, but very CVish. No one brought up the facts about Cheney voting record (nonbinding vote against South Africa free Mandela) in Congress or his opposition to weapons systems as Sec Def.

I don't know if you saw the spin alley segment on CNN when Jeff Greenfield talked about how useless the spin alley interviews were. I think Wolf was taken aback a little. That's enough on the debate and probably more than you asked for :)

Tuesday, October 05, 2004


I got the lead from the Note. This is frickin' hilarious . . . .

Monday, October 04, 2004

Out of the Question - Is Bush's biggest mistake too awful to admit? By William Saletan

Good point about the Bush Cheney campaign of disinfo. I actually beleive that the Prez has made the Iraq thing a value thing (versus and ben-cost analysis). Meaning that it has to be true, we have to win, we have to be steadfast. I'm more curious to see what Cheney does when confronted with the facts. I assume that his political asstuteness will make him believe too.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Blue vs. Red: The Debate Wasn't Exactly a Tie (

Bush stinks like a loser. His expressions and body language was very negative. I'm not sure it changed that many undecided's minds, but it certainly helped the soft Kerry supporters. Shales hit the nail on the head with Kerry looking more presidential than the President.