Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Politics: Bobby Jindal Channels Kenneth the Page in GOP Response

Politics: Bobby Jindal Channels Kenneth the Page in GOP Response

I didn't see this till now, but it is hilarious. The Kenneth the Page thing is just mean, but it has a kernel of truth in it. He better get his ass in gear if he wants to make a recovery.

Michael Gerson - The Jindal Phenomenon -

Michael Gerson - The Jindal Phenomenon -

"Jindal's manner more closely resembles another recent president: Bill Clinton. Like Clinton (a fellow Rhodes scholar), Jindal has the ability to overwhelm any topic with facts and thoughtful arguments -- displaying a mastery of detail that encourages confidence."

What does this mean? Jindal is a GOP Clinton without the personal baggage and Hillary? That's what makes Clinton so tough is that connection to people and he doesn't look or feel like a policy robot. Jindal is an appealing flavor of the month. If he's smart and ambitious enough it will be great to see him fight for the nomination.

Monday, February 23, 2009 Kindle 2: Amazon's New Wireless Reading Device (Latest Generation): Kindle Store Kindle 2: Amazon's New Wireless Reading Device (Latest Generation): Kindle Store

$359 is a bit steep. My issue with the Kindle is that it's too expensive. I know my weaknesses and the big one is that I lose stuff. The great thing about a paperback is that I'm out $10 tops instead of $359. I really do like the model that gets me newspapers over the air and I'd bet that the reading experience is pretty decent too. If they could come out with a cheap newspaper only Kindle ($20-50 plus subscription fees) I think I'd bite. the key is getting over the fact that I'm going to lose it and at $359 I can't afford too many of those. But imagine all the newspaper and magazine clutter it would eliminate?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

California budget negotiations hit a new snag - Los Angeles Times

California budget negotiations hit a new snag - Los Angeles Times

Frickin' amateur night in Sacramento again. The problems in the Western states are numerous and hopefully this disaster generates some new reforms. Obviously they are not going to eliminate Propositions. However maybe someone can come to their senses and get rid of term limits (or at least lengthen them). Right now the Sacramento is run by staffers and lobbyists with no accountability to the electorate. One can hope anyways.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

C-SPAN Survey of Presidential Leadership - Home - C-SPAN

C-SPAN Survey of Presidential Leadership - Home - C-SPAN

I love these lists. It's a good way to look at the President's in comparison to others.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Lessons From Japan in Stemming a Crisis -

Lessons From Japan in Stemming a Crisis -

The Japanese experience is definitely something to learn from. As the economy stabilizes, the government may need to to step up it's regulatory measures and let the banks fail. If one of the "too big to fail" banks didn't survive, it might shake things up a little and restore faith in the banks that were left. We don't want the financial system to collapse, we don't want "zombie" banks, and need to restore faith as soon as possible. How do you do that?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Missed Shots: The Maryland Men's Basketball Program's Fall From the Top

Missed Shots: The Maryland Men's Basketball Program's Fall From the Top

I don't want Gary fired. If anyone remembers the Bob Wade days, even going to the NIT is way better than that. That being said, he needs to get some stability on his staff, go recruit some diamonds in the rough, and win some games.

David Ignatius - The Death of 'Rational Man' -

David Ignatius - The Death of 'Rational Man' -

A quick good look at the current trends in the Dismal Science and what Macro guys are thinking about the economic crisis.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Letter case Scoopsville ... :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Michael Sneed

Letter case Scoopsville ... :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Michael Sneed

why does she have a column. It's just a press release from Burke half the time. Aggravating.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Free Trade's Hidden Cost | The Big Money

Free Trade's Hidden Cost | The Big Money

I don't see any conventional wisdom being debunked. I do see old anti-globalization arguments. I'm not sure what Miller is claiming. His argument seems confused. So productivity changes, as it has throughout time. So what? Is it better that China's productivity increases? What's so bad about that? Isn't he making a moral/ethical implication that it's bad to have productivity improvements in other countries? Then argues the same implication about the compensation idea? He totally misses out on the creative destruction aspect of this. Does he want to freeze time?

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Downturn Forces Transit Cuts as Ridership Grows -

Downturn Forces Transit Cuts as Ridership Grows -

It's not a transit paradox, it's a intentional and deliberate model for funding that cannot support public transit. If Congress and the rest of Washington got their crap together they would realize what public transit offers. What really matters is offering people a variety of routes and modes to get people moving. If you have a monoculture like highways , you will have problems if the highways are too expensive too run.